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Scuba Picture Uv the Day

Comments for the Scuba Picture Uv the Day from 11/4/2003

Mixed Company
Cozumel 9/03
Sea & Sea MMII, YS - 60, Kodak 400 print, f/11,
Photo by Ed Kincaid aka Deuceman
Average Reader Rating: 4 (1 votes)

Comments for this picture
Pepi Ross
11/4/2003 8:02:46 PM
Rating: n/a
The idea this picture addresses is a nice one. It will serve as a great remembrance of the scene. Perhaps in the future it wd be helpful to avoid scenes where the fish are swimming away from the camera. For me that dis-involves the viewer. Also, if there is a lot of color variation in the subject, like there is in these 4 different fish, then centering the group in the middle of the pic could help the eye see the subject. That said, it is a fun shot that captures the moment. -Pepi
11/7/2003 9:22:26 AM
Rating: 4
I like this shot. Normally trying to include a mixed bag of fish doesn't work that well. This is a difficult shot to light properly; the fish are almost ducking under the coral and you've got a lot of shadow on the angel. What makes it pleasing is the negative space. The sand/coral/blue water provide nice breaks in the image.
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